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DICT - Diploma in Information Communication Technology
DIT 202 - Introduction to Computer Organisation
DIT 200 - Fundamentals of Visual Programming
DIT 101: Introduction to Software Engineering
DIT 100: Concepts of Database Management Systems
DIT 103:Introduction to Assembly Language
DIT102:Basics Operating Systems
CES - Certificate in Entrepreneurship Studies
CES 105 Policy Issues in Entrepreneurship
CES 104 Business Planning
CES 103 People management in SMEs
CES 102 Introduction to Business Law I
CES 101 Entrepreneurship and the Business Start-Up Process
CES 100 Book keeping for small businesses
DML - Doctor of Philosophy in Management and Leadership
DML 906 - Thesis Proposal Development
DML 900 - Advanced Statistics
DML 905 - Management and Leadership Semminar
DML 904 - Organization Development and Leadership
DML 903 - Strategic Management
DML 902 - Research Methodology
Common Units (DCU)
DCU 100 : Communication Skills
DCU 101: Social Skills
DCU 102: Introduction of Financial and Cost Accounting
DCU 103: Basic Business Statistics
DCU 104: Introduction to ICT and Ethics
DCU 105 Principles of Entrepreneurship
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DICT - Diploma in Information Communication Technology
DIT 202 - Introduction to Computer Organisation
DIT 200 - Fundamentals of Visual Programming
DIT 101: Introduction to Software Engineering
DIT 100: Concepts of Database Management Systems
DIT 103:Introduction to Assembly Language
DIT102:Basics Operating Systems
CES - Certificate in Entrepreneurship Studies
CES 105 Policy Issues in Entrepreneurship
CES 104 Business Planning
CES 103 People management in SMEs
CES 102 Introduction to Business Law I
CES 101 Entrepreneurship and the Business Start-Up Process
CES 100 Book keeping for small businesses
DML - Doctor of Philosophy in Management and Leadership
DML 906 - Thesis Proposal Development
DML 900 - Advanced Statistics
DML 905 - Management and Leadership Semminar
DML 904 - Organization Development and Leadership
DML 903 - Strategic Management
DML 902 - Research Methodology
Common Units (DCU)
DCU 100 : Communication Skills
DCU 101: Social Skills
DCU 102: Introduction of Financial and Cost Accounting
DCU 103: Basic Business Statistics
DCU 104: Introduction to ICT and Ethics
DCU 105 Principles of Entrepreneurship
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